Frequently Asked Questions about SCO VISA

Questions & Answers about Visa Extension.

1. I am a foreigner in Bangladesh. My husband is also a foreigner. He works in Bangladesh with A3 visa and I’m staying with him as a dependent. I have applied for my FA3 (Family of A3) Visa Extension. What are the required documents for FA3 visa Extension?

Required documents for FA3 visa Extension-
1. Visa Extension Form-2 must be filled up by applicant. (Visa Extension form-2 attached)..\..\VISA EXTENTION FORM-2.pdf
2. Photocopy of ( a) Passport (b) Work Permit (c) Tax Certificate (d) Visa (e) Security Clearance of the employee.
3. Trade license of the institution.
4. Tax certificate of the institution.
5. Recommendation letter from employee and institution.
6. Photocopy of passport and Visa of applicant.

2. I am a foreign Businessman. I came Bangladesh with B (Business) visa and my visa will be expired soon. I have already applied for my B Visa Extension. What are the required documents for B visa Extension?

Required documents for B visa Extension-
1. Visa Extension Form-2 must be filled up by applicant. (Visa Extension form-2 attached)..\..\VISA EXTENTION FORM-2.pdf
2.Sponsor letter of invitee.
3. Trade license of invitee.
4. Income tax certificate of invitee.
5. Contract paper (if applicable).
6. Recommendation letter from concern institution.
7. Photocopy of passport and Visa.
8. Invitation letter.

3. I am a foreign citizen. My husband is also a foreigner. He works in Bangladesh with E visa and I’m staying with him as a dependent. I have applied for my FE (Family of E) Visa Extension. What are the required documents for FE visa Extension?

Required documents for FE visa Extension-
1. Visa Extension Form-2 must be filled up by applicant. (Visa Extension form-2 attached)..\..\VISA EXTENTION FORM-2.pdf
2. Photocopy of (a) Passport (b) Work Permit (c) Tax Certificate (d) Visa (e) Security Clearance of the employee.
3. Trade license of the institution.
4. Tax certificate of the institution.
5. Recommendation letter from employee and institution.
6. Photocopy of passport and Visa of applicant

4.I have applied for E1 Visa Extension. What are the required documents for E1 visa Extension?

Required documents for E1 visa Extension-
1. Visa Extension Form-2 must be filled up by applicant. (Visa Extension form-2 attached)..\..\VISA EXTENTION FORM-2.pdf
2.Sponsor letter from invitee.
3. Trade license of the institution.
4. Tax certificate of the institution.
5. Recommendation letter with the description of the task of the employee.
6. Visa Recommendation from BIDA/BEPZA/Concern Ministry.
7. Photocopy of passport and Visa of applicant.

5. I am a foreigner in Bangladesh. My husband is also a foreigner. He works in an NGO and I’m staying with him as a dependent. I have applied for myFN (Family of N) Visa Extension. What are the required documents for FN visa Extension?

Required documents for FN visa Extension-
1. Visa Extension Form-2 must be filled up by applicant. (Visa Extension form-2 attached)..\..\VISA EXTENTION FORM-2.pdf
2. Photocopy of (a) Passport (b) Work permits (c) Tax Certificate (d) Visa (e) Security Clearance of the employees.
3. Trade license of the institution.
4. Tax certificate of the institution.
5. Recommendation letter from employee and institution.
6. Photocopy of passport and Visa of applicant.

6. I am a foreign citizen. My husband is a foreign Player and I’m staying with him as a dependent. I have applied for myFP (Family of P) Visa Extension. What are the required documents for FP visa Extension?

Required documents for FP visa Extension-
1. Visa Extension Form-2 mustbefilledupby applicant. (Visa Extension form-2 attached..\..\VISA EXTENTION FORM-2.pdf)
2. Photocopy of (a) Passport (b) contract (c) Tax Certificate (d) Visa of the player.
3. Tax certificate of the institution.
4. Recommendation letter from player and institution.
5. Photocopy of passport and Visa.

7. My husband is a foreign Investor and I’m staying with him as a dependent. I have applied for myFPI(Family of PI) Visa Extension. What are the required documents for FPI visa

Required documents for FPI visa Extension-
1. Visa Extension Form-2 must be filled up by applicant. (Visa Extension form-2 attached)..\..\VISA EXTENTION FORM-2.pdf
2. Photocopy of (a) Passport (b) Work permits (c) Tax Certificate (d) Visa (e) Security Clearance of the employee.
3. Trade license of the institution.
4. Tax certificate of the institution.
5. Recommendation letter from employee and institution.
6, Photocopy of passport and Visa.
7. Copy of encashment certificate.
8. Memorandum of the institution.

8.I have applied for R Visa Extension. What are the required documents for R visa Extension?

Required documents for R visa Extension-
1. Visa Extension Form-2 mustbefilledupby applicant. (Visa Extension form-2 attached)..\..\VISA EXTENTION FORM-2.pdf
2. Approval letter of educational institution.
3. Approval letter from concerned ministry.
4. Invitation letter from the institution.
5. Recommendation letter from concerned institution with the description of the subject of the research paper and time frame of the research.
6. Photocopy of passport and Visa.

9. My husband is a foreign Researcher and I’m staying with him as a dependent. I have applied for myFR (Family of Researcher) Visa Extension. What are the required documents for FR visa Extension?

Required documents for FR visa Extension-
1. Visa Extension Form-2 must be filled up by applicant. (Visa Extension form-2 attached)..\..\VISA EXTENTION FORM-2.pdf
2. Photocopy of Passport and Visa of the researcher.
3. Research approval from the institution.
4. Research approval from the Ministry.
5. Recommendation letter from the institution with the description of the subject of the research paper and time frame of the research.
6. Photocopy of Passport and Visa of the applicant.
7. Recommendation from the researcher.

10. I am a foreign Student. I have applied for S Visa Extension. What are the required documents for S visa Extension?

Required documents for S visa Extension-
1. Visa Extension Form-2 must be filled up by applicant. (Visa Extension form-2 attached)..\..\VISA EXTENTION FORM-2.pdf
2. Recommendationfromtheinstitutionincludingthesefollowing information.
3. Studying year & Name of the Subject
4. Session
5. Roll No
6. Class attendance records
7. Duration of the course & year of course completion
8. Student’s performance appraisal
9. Declaration of institutions that he or she is not working anywhere in Bangladesh.
10. Declaration of institutions that he or she is not involved in any anti-state activities.
11. Passport &Visa copy
12. Sponsorship Letter
13. Bank Statement photo copy
14. Student ID Card photocopy
15. List of total foreign students of that institution
16. Approval of the Institution from the Concern Ministry for foreign students admission

11. My husband is a foreign Student and I’m staying with him as a dependent. I have applied for my FS (Family of S) Visa Extension. What are the required documents for FS visa Extension?

Required documents for FS visa Extension-
1. Visa Extension Form-2 must be filled up by applicant. (Visa Extension form-2 attached)..\..\VISA EXTENTION FORM-2.pdf
2. Photocopy of Passport, Visa and ID card of the student.
3. Recommendation letter from the institution with the description of the subject, session, year and date at the end of the course.
4. Photocopy of Passport and Visa of the applicant.

12.I am a foreign Tourist. I have applied for T Visa Extension. What are the required documents for T visa Extension?

Required documents for T visa Extension-
1. Visa Extension Form-2 must be filled up by applicant. (Visa Extension form-2 attached)..\..\VISA EXTENTION FORM-2.pdf
2. Recommendation from the sponsor.
3. Photocopy of NID of the sponsor.
4. Photocopy of Passport and Visa of the applicant

13. I have applied for TF Visa Extension. What are the required documents for TF visa Extension?

Required documents for TF visa Extension-
1. Visa Extension Form-2 mustbefilledupby applicant. (Visa Extension form-2 attached)..\..\VISA EXTENTION FORM-2.pdf
2. Photocopy of the visa, passport or NID of the sponsor.
3. Recommendation from the sponsor.
4. Notarial Certificate from the sponsor.
5. Marriage certificate (if applicable).
6. Relationship declaration of the applicant with the sponsor.
7. Photocopy of the visa and passport of the applicant..

14. I am a foreigner and a member of Tablig. I have applied for TI Visa Extension. What are the required documents for TI visa Extension?

Required documents for TI visa Extension-
1. Visa Extension Form-2 must be filled up by applicant. (Visa Extension form-2 attached)..\..\VISA EXTENTION FORM-2.pdf
2. Recommendation from theTablig/Markaz.
3. Photocopy of Passport and Visa of the applicant.

15. I have applied for NVR. What are the required documents for NVR?

Required documents for NVR-
1. Visa Extension Form-2 must be filled up by applicant. (Visa Extension form-2 attached)..\..\VISA EXTENTION FORM-2.pdf
2. Photocopy of the visa, passport or NID of the sponsor.
3. Recommendation from the sponsor.
4. Notarial Certificate from the sponsor.
5. Marriage certificate (if applicable).
6. Relationship declaration of the applicant with the sponsor.
7. Photocopy of Passport and Visa of the applicant.

16.I am a Pakistani Citizen. What are the required documents for my visa clearance?

Required documents for Pakistani Visa Clearance-
1. Applicant Passport, Visa, Police Clearance and Tax Certificate copy.
2. Invitation letter of invitee.
3. Invitee’s NID Copy, Trade License, TIN & update Tax Certificate Copy.
4. Contract Paper (if applicable).
5. Recommendation letter from invitee

17. I am a African Citizen. What are the required documents for my visa clearance?

Required documents for Pakistani Visa Clearance-
1. Applicant Passport, Visa, Police Clearance and Tax Certificate copy.
2. Invitation letter of invitee.
3. Invitee’s NID Copy, Trade License, TIN & update Tax Certificate Copy.
4. Contract Paper (if applicable).
5. Recommendation letter from invitee

18. What is my visa application Status?

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Questions & Answers about Foreigner’s Registration (FR)

1. As a Foreigner do I need Foreigner’s Registration (FR)?

Foreigners Registration is necessary only for Indian and Pakistani Nationals.

2. I am an Indian/Pakistani citizen. Where will I go for Foreigner’s Registration

a) Special Branch, Dhaka.
b) HazratShahjalal International Airport (HSIA), Dhaka.
c) District Special Branch (DSB).
d) Benapole.

3. What are the required documents for Foreigner’s Registration?

Passport Copy and 02 (two) passport size photos of the applicant.

4. Is there any time limitation for Foreigner’s Registration?

a) If any Indian National have 180 days or more visa he will have to register. If he register within 1st 14 days of arrival no fees will be required for him/her
b) If any Pakistani National have 90 days or more visa he will have to register. If he register within 1st 07 days of arrival no fees will be required for him/her.

5. Is any fees required for Registration?

No. If someone fails to register within the specified time he will have to pay fine through designated Bank Account.

6. How much late fee I have to pay if I can’t register within the specified time?

15th - 21 days after arrival : 2,000/- BDT
22nd - onward : 5,000/- BDT

8th - 14th days after arrival : 2,000/- BDT
15th – onward : 5,000/- BDT
Lost Registration Fees = 500/- BDT

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